Invincible Thinking Thursday – How your morning ritual sets you up for success

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Do you have a morning ritual? Something you try to do most every day? Something that gets your day started off heading in the right direction?  Your …

Focus on others to grow your brand with Joe Crenshaw – Episode 17

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Looking to expand your reach online?  Want to grow your brand?  Joe Crenshaw has found that the more you focus on others, the more chance you have to grow …

Invincible Thinking Thursday – The 5 people you spend the most time with makes a difference

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) We’ve all heard the famous quote “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  However, are you living this quote?  Are you …

How to live with a courageous heart with Matt Gagnon – Episode 16

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) We all have a set of core values by which we live.  Have your core values been defined by others?  Learning to refuse to let others create …

The gift of adversity with Marcus Aurelius Anderson – Episode 15

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Do you see adversity as a gift?  Do you feel adversity is important to success?  Marcus Aurelius Anderson has overcome extreme adversity, including paralyzation and death.  Learning …

Why Humanity is important in business with Ed Andrew – Episode 14

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Most companies have a mission statement and a core set of values they strive to embody.  But are they truly instilling those values in their employees?  More …

Achieve High-Performance Living with Anton Andryakov – Episode 13

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Are you looking to create a high-performance life?  If so, today’s guest is a high-performance consultant and identity coach.  Anton Andryakov specializes in helping individuals to understand how …

Transform sales and leadership by reading more with Mareo McCracken – Episode 12

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full episode below) Looking to transform your sales and leadership career?  You have everything you need already available to you.  It is just a matter of building a plan to add more …

4 Reasons Why Gratitude Is Important – Episode 11

Mark Steel Confidence, Podcast

I haven’t always known that gratitude matters in my life.  For many years, I thought being successful was more about how hard and how smart you worked.  I felt that …

Why storytelling matters with Sarah Elkins – Episode 10

Mark Steel Podcast

We hear a lot about storytelling nowadays.  Books, podcasts, and social profiles galore all call attention to the growing fixation on storytelling.  However, you may find yourself asking, “Why is storytelling so …