How to live with a courageous heart with Matt Gagnon – Episode 16

Mark Steel Podcast

Matt Gagnon - Episode 17 (Full audio below)

We all have a set of core values by which we live.  Have your core values been defined by others?  Learning to refuse to let others create your values is essential to you getting the most out of your life.  Define your core values yourself.  Only then can you learn to live with a courageous heart.

How you show up in life

Hello Climbers!  Welcome to the Climb Every Day podcast which helps you amplify your impact in your career, your communications, and your life.

Matt Gagnon is my guest on today’s episode of the podcast.  My conversation with Matt is real and raw, gripping and candid.  Matt shares how he changed his mental state from following to leading.  In addition, Matt also shares a very private revelation that reminds us that our journey to growth is never over.

Matt previously worked in the corporate world as he attempted to follow a set path that he now recognizes as a quest to please others.  As he slipped further and further into depression, Matt knew he needed to make changes based on his needs, not others.

Going after your dreams is hard

The transition to his own coaching career was not easy.  The struggle was very real.  If going after your dreams was easy, everyone out there would be doing that first.  But Matt would be the first to tell you, “It is SO worth it.”

After more than two years of grinding struggle, Matt is now enjoying tremendous professional and personal success.  This conversation will empower everyone looking to break free of living values defined by others.

Matt’s Bio

Matt Gagnon is a professional Co-Active coach certified by the Coaches Training Institute, credentialed by the International Coach Federation, a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, keynote speaker, author, and brings 15 years of corporate sales and leadership experience.

Matt believes in living a life aligned with your values. We all have up to five core values – that when honored, evoke the best in us. The problem is that many people live life with values defined by others.

Matt was living what looked like a successful life with a six-figure job, nice house, nice car, nice clothes, etc. Behind the curtain, he was actually spirally out of control resulting in chronic illness, depression, addiction, and attempted suicide. His lifestyle eventually resulted in disability and losing the only career he had ever known.

After leaning into his faith, Matt stopped being a victim and chose to see his adversity as a call to adventure. With a purely grass-roots effort, he built a thriving international coaching business. He focused on protecting his supply lines (prayer time, sleep, nutrition, fitness, an inner circle of friends) and rediscovering his core values. He chose to write his own comeback story.

Today Matt is helping transform lives across the globe by encouraging people to rediscover their core values and Live With a Courageous Heart.

Make sure you listen to the full episode below!

Episode Info

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Mark Steel is a professional speaker and Communications Skills coach.  With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Mark is dynamic, engaging, informative, and fun.  Sales, leadership, and team-building audiences rave about Mark’s “Invincible Thinking’ keynotes.  As a coach, Mark works with executives and professionals to ensure when they speak, the audience is listening.  Mark is a married father of two living outside Chicago, Il and he is an avid rock climber.  #ClimbOn