4 Reasons Why Gratitude Is Important – Episode 11

Mark Steel Confidence, Podcast

I haven’t always known that gratitude matters in my life.  For many years, I thought being successful was more about how hard and how smart you worked.  I felt that …

Why storytelling matters with Sarah Elkins – Episode 10

Mark Steel Podcast

We hear a lot about storytelling nowadays.  Books, podcasts, and social profiles galore all call attention to the growing fixation on storytelling.  However, you may find yourself asking, “Why is storytelling so …

Focus on what moves you forward using minimalism with Jake Melton – Episode 9

Mark Steel Podcast

Is your life too cluttered to focus on the things that matter?  Would more clarity help you move forward?  My guest today, Jake Melton, teaches us all how minimalism can …

Live authentically and sell from the heart with Larry Levine – Episode 8

Mark Steel Podcast

Every one of us is a “seller” at some point. Regardless of whether we’re in sales. We all need to convince others to hear and engage in our ideas. Larry …

Overcoming setbacks by taking control of your career with Cory Warfield – Episode 7

Mark Steel Podcast

Cory began working as a dishwasher at a local restaurant, where he was quickly worked his way up to serving. Later, Cory became the head server and trainer at a …