Focus on what moves you forward using minimalism with Jake Melton – Episode 9

Mark Steel Podcast

Jake Melton - CED Ep 9

Is your life too cluttered to focus on the things that matter?  Would more clarity help you move forward?  My guest today, Jake Melton, teaches us all how minimalism can simplify our careers and personal lives.

“Jake Melton is an engaging and moving keynote speaker, author, coach, and a leading expert in productivity, minimalism, mental health and wellness, and change.

Jake has a background in organizational psychology and strategic communications. This has enabled Jake to work closely with CEO’s and other high-level executives along with many entrepreneurs by consulting with them in addressing employee engagement and satisfaction, mental health and wellness, change, strategy and branding, and workplace productivity.

Jake is the author of the book “Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness: Cut the Crap” and is a top voice among LinkedIn and other professional communities. He has given hundreds of presentations and has spoken at conferences, conventions, trainings, and other corporate and group events.

While Jake does love speaking, writing, advocating for mental health, and inspiring others to simplify their lives, he loves his wife and two children more. They live in Dallas, Texas.

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