Discover the Future of Podcasting with Jeremy Ryan Slate – Episode 35

Mark Steel Podcast

Are you an avid podcast listener? Or perhaps you’re thinking of starting your own podcast? With over 750,000 podcasts available today and that number quickly increasing, podcasts are becoming more …

How to Master the Basics with Arash Toussi – Episode 34

Mark Steel Podcast

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation at work or at home? Maybe you’ve had a personal crisis such as losing someone close to you or perhaps you …

How to Use social media to increase sales with Dennis Brown – Ep 33

Mark Steel Podcast

Are you using social media to grow your business?  If you’re in sales, leadership, or you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, do you use social media to increase sales?  If …

Improve Employee Loyalty through Leadership with Heather Younger – Ep 32

Mark Steel Podcast

Are you a leader looking to improve employee loyalty?  Perhaps you’ve recently grown larger, taking on new staff.  Quick growth can often lead to personality conflicts.  Or perhaps you’ve recently …

How mental toughness keeps you in the game with Ruben Gonzalez – Ep 31

Mark Steel Podcast

In this episode, four-time Olympian Ruben shares how mental toughness keeps you in the game.  Any game.  YOUR game.  Anyone looking to develop more mental toughnesss in sales and leadership …

What search results reveal about your brand with Benjamin Warsinske – Ep 30

Mark Steel Podcast

What do search results reveal about your brand?  Chances are, if you are trying to do business with someone in any capacity, they will use search to learn more about …

Transform challenges into connections with Michael David Chapman – Episode 29

Mark Steel Podcast

(Full audio below) We all face challenges in our lives. We may face financial issues, career setbacks, relationship hurdles, and struggles to navigate our way forward.  The secret to our …

Learning to Screw the Naysayers with Tim Alison – Episode 28

Mark Steel Podcast

(Full audio below) Have you ever had someone tell you that you would fail? That you aren’t good enough?  Perhaps the one saying those things to you was yourself?  If …

How to embrace adversity and tell your story with Win Charles – Episode 27

Mark Steel Podcast

(Full audio below) Life can be challenging. Sometimes we struggle. However, you can thrive by learning to embrace adversity and then finding ways to tell your story to others. Challenges …

Selling for non-sellers with Pat Helmers – Episode 26

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Are you in sales?  The answer will surprise you.  If you have ever lead a team, tried to communicate, or shared an idea, then you’re in sales. …