Learning to Screw the Naysayers with Tim Alison – Episode 28

Mark Steel Podcast

Tim Alison - Episode 28(Full audio below)

Have you ever had someone tell you that you would fail? That you aren’t good enough?  Perhaps the one saying those things to you was yourself?  If you’ve ever been told you didn’t have what it takes, it’s time for you to learn to “Screw the Naysayers.”

Learning to stand up to those who would hold you back

Welcome to the Invincible Success podcast which helps you amplify your sales, leadership, and life!

Tim Alison has been a defiant leader for over 30 years.  Not defiant in refusing to listen.  Instead, his defiance came in the form of not listening to detractors or those that wanted to hold him back.

In the process, he built a software education business with sales of over $10M dollars.  Knowing he could do more, Tim turned his attention to stopping naysayers in their tracks.  Today, Tim is an author, speaker, and host of the popular Screw the Naysayers podcast.

Key Insights:
  • Shocked most people by quitting his corporate job in 1988 and moving to a tiny fishing village in remote Canada
  • Most of his doubters turned into people that later said “We knew you had it in you”
  • Found a mentor that helped him know he could be tremendously successful with the right mindset
  • Wrote a book called “Screw the Naysayers.”  Later created a podcast by the same name
  • Often times, our own internal Naysayer is the most damaging of all
  • Two most dangerous types of Naysayers – People that are close to us and those that would rather stay in an uncomfortable state to avoid change
  • An example of a Naysayer is someone with whom you share a new idea and they respond “It’s a bad idea”
  • Tim’s creed — If you get an idea and it sticks in your head, you should explore it
  • Don’t let fear control whether you make a change in your life
  • What is Tim most proud of in his business life – Having created a career build around meaning and purpose
  • Tim is inspired by Jennifer Aaker (from Stanford) word’s – “The last stage of happiness is “savoring”
  • How do you get started?  Define with absolute clarity what is most meaningful to you – What would you do for free?
  • Try this activity – Ask your friends “tell me a one paragraph story where you felt I was at my best.”
Daily Success Habits:
  • Start every day with an hour walk on the beach with the dog
  • Coffee date with his wife every single day, being fully present every day
Tim’s Bio:

Tim Alison’s story is best described as one of respectful defiance.   He was a child with brittle bones who refused to listen when my parents advised me not to play contact sports.  At age 31, he was told that only an idiot would quit one of the highest paid sales jobs in the country.  Of course, he quit.

Tim is the Executive Producer and host of the Screw the Naysayers Podcast.  He also advises and mentors experienced leaders on how to harness the power of their knowledge and experience to create impact, income, and independence.

Tim is the author of Screw the Naysayers; They suck anyways.  He is a Thought-Leadership advisor and speaker.  He works with highly-motivated and determined individuals who are looking for a mindset and career transformation.

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Mark Steel is an Inspiring Sales Keynote Speaker and a Speaking Skills coach.  With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Mark is dynamic, engaging, informative, and fun.  Sales, leadership, and team-building audiences rave about Mark’s ‘Invincible Success’ keynotes.  As a coach, Mark works with executives and professionals to ensure when they speak, the audience is listening.  Mark is a married father of two living outside Chicago, Il and he is an avid rock climber.  #ClimbOn