Overcoming setbacks by taking control of your career with Cory Warfield – Episode 7

Mark Steel Podcast

Cory began working as a dishwasher at a local restaurant, where he was quickly worked his way up to serving. Later, Cory became the head server and trainer at a …

Turn your hidden skills into services you can quickly monetize with Anthony English – Episode 6

Mark Steel Podcast

Are you looking to monetize your expertise to ensure financial freedom?  Do you want to build a business based on the things you enjoy?  Do you want to connect with …

business man holding a ladder while adjusting his tie to overcome the impostor experience

Admit it, you’re a fraud! and other stuff you tell yourself to ruin your life–Part III

Mark Steel Confidence

Do you feel like an impostor in your career sometimes? Or maybe it is your personal life that is out of balance. In Part I of my blog series about …

Business woman feeling like an impostor, sad

Admit it, you’re a fraud! and other stuff you tell yourself to ruin your life–Part I

Mark Steel Confidence

You’re an impostor! A hack. You don’t belong here. Everyone you work with is smarter than you. They have more experience. Hell, even the kid they just hired straight out …

Close up of man with confidence doing a fist pump

Public Speaking Tips: Confidence Really Is King (and Queen)

Mark Steel Confidence

Confidence is one of the most important traits we must master. I posted an article outlining my four core principles to become a more effective public speaker. They are Confidence, …

man with beard studying public speaking

Public Speaking Tips: Become A Student

Mark Steel Confidence

How do you get over your fear of public speaking? By studying those that do it well. In an earlier post, I spoke of my four core principles for getting …

Man looking scared of public speaking

Public Speaking Tips: What Are We Afraid Of?

Mark Steel Confidence

Are you afraid of public speaking? Let’s find out… Picture this. Take a moment to really picture this scenario in your mind. The situation: Your manager has asked you to …

Showing your public speaking style_thumbs up

Public Speaking Tips: Show Your Style

Mark Steel Confidence

Showing your unique style is a key way to build confidence. Let’s examine the role that style and personality have in your public speaking. A journey to find my style …

Mountain range rising above the mist signifying career change

Career Transformation: My Next Career Climb

Mark Steel Confidence

The next step I am excited to be starting the next chapter in my career! Last week, I accomplished a personal milestone that I’ve dreamed of for many years. I …

Symbols of luck-leprechaun hats and shamrocks

Five Steps To Take Control of Luck And Transform Your Life

Mark Steel Confidence

What role does luck play in your life? My family and I just returned from a vacation in Ireland. It is a beautiful country. We enjoyed exploring castles, cliffs, and …