Simple ways to have power and presence with Catherine Johns – Episode 24

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Do you feel you have power and presence that others feel even when you’re not there?  Catherine Johns helps you find your presence and build confidence. Creating …

Have a great day every day with Steve Beck – Episode 23

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Do you want to live a great day every day?  You can.  With a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can literally reprogram your mindset …

How a mentor can change your life – IST 03

Mark Steel Podcast

Do you believe that having a mentor can change your life? This episode is dedicated to the passing of a mentor of mine, Ret. Army Colonel Jill Morgenthaler. (Full audio …

How your life will change when you take control of your story with Michael Henson – Episode 22

Mark Steel Podcast

 (Full audio below) Do you “own your label?” Do you want to take control of your story by being intentional in your career choices?  Are you willing to deviate from …