Have a great day every day with Steve Beck – Episode 23

Mark Steel Podcast

Steve Beck - Episode 23 (Full audio below)

Do you want to live a great day every day?  You can.  With a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can literally reprogram your mindset and transform your happiness.

Using his creative mind to build a successful career

Hello Climbers!  Welcome to the Climb Every Day podcast which helps you amplify your influence and impact.

Steve Beck can be a negative guy sometimes.  He catches himself having negative thoughts.  Whether they are related to his agenda that day or something that happens to him while traveling.

However, by taking conscious steps each day to focus on intentional positivity, Steve has come to learn to quickly shake off any negative thoughts.  With that change, his enjoyment in life starting to transform more than he ever thought possible.

Key Insights:
  • Steve travels all over the country giving keynotes and training workshops
  • His program topics include Amazing Customer Service as well as Leadership
  • His idea for his book, “Have A Great Day Everyday” came from his experiences on the road
  • Steve spent years as a trader and broker on the floor of the Chicago Stock Exchange
  • After the brokerage shut down unexpectedly, on a whim, he moved to Montana
  • In Montana, he started a pizza business with no experience at all
  • In difficult times, his father always told him, “Everything is going to be fine.”
  • That became a foundational element of his view on life
  • If you don’t like your life, you can reprogram your thoughts
  • Wrote his book by speaking his book.  He created a CD first, then had it transcribed.
  • Preschoolers laugh 400 times a day; adults only 12.  Laugh More!!
Daily Success Habits:
    • He starts his day with prayer and meditation, before writing daily affirmations
    • Steve has been writing those affirmations each day for 10 years
    • The first hour of your day should be treated as sacred
    • Start your day by making your bed – You get an immediate win and sense of accomplishment
  • Try this – When you first get up, talk to yourself with, “I am going to have a great day.”
Steve’s Bio:

Steve is recognized as an outstanding Keynote Speaker, Motivator, Instructor, and Consultant. His seminars are lively, informative, funny and insightful. This knowledge stems from a 20-year career at Management and Vice President level. Steve’s core competencies are in:

  • Customer Service
  • Motivational Leadership
  • Life-Work Balance
  • Goal Setting
  • Time Management
  • Motivating a Sales Group

Steve challenges his audiences to go for it 100%, in their personal life and at work. His message stays with his audience for a long time as he talks about how important the effect they have on others, the importance of setting goals, and being their BEST every day!

Steve is the author of the book, How to Have a Great Day Everyday! & Leave Your Funk at the Door’ and has plenty of hands-on experience helping businesses, schools, associations, and organizations reach and sustain excellence.

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Mark Steel is an Inspiring Sales Keynote Speaker, Consultant, and a Communications Skills coach.  With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Mark is dynamic, engaging, informative, and fun.  Sales, leadership, and team-building audiences rave about Mark’s ‘Invincible Success’ keynotes.  As a coach, Mark works with executives and professionals to ensure when they speak, the audience is listening.  Mark is a married father of two living outside Chicago, Il and he is an avid rock climber.  #ClimbOn