How to Use social media to increase sales with Dennis Brown – Ep 33

Mark Steel Podcast

Are you using social media to grow your business?  If you’re in sales, leadership, or you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, do you use social media to increase sales?  If not, you’re likely leaving a lot of money behind. This episode will give you insights on how Dennis Brown developed a social media strategy that has led to over $20M in new business.

Use social media to Increase Sales with Dennis Brown - Episode 33

(Full audio below)

Social media to increase sales

Welcome to the Invincible Success podcast which helps you amplify your sales, leadership, and life!

What is your social media strategy today?  Does it even exist?  There is so much opportunity for anyone in sales or leadership to use social media to increase sales that it shouldn’t be overlooked.

Dennis Brown has both struggled and flourished as an entrepreneur.  His secret to success was to always fail forward.  Years ago, this mindset led him to start posting content on LinkedIn when he knew nothing about what he was doing.  Today, Dennis is a recognized expert in leveraging the LinkedIn platform to increase sales.

Key Insights:
  • Dennis has been an entrepreneur for over 22 years
  • He has built several multi-million dollar organizations
  • Started LinkedIn consulting and training business several years ago
  • Social media is often very social, but hard to turn it profitable
  • Instead of trying to go viral, there are steps you can take to earn money through social media
  • Dennis shared story of how he grew a business 1998-2001, only to have financial tragedy happen
  • Investment funding dried up overnight.  Dennis came close to bankruptcy
  • Dennis credits much of his success on his having a high threshold for failure.
  • Focus on what is going to dig you out of the hole you’re in instead of on what put you in it
  • Instead of shrinking away failure, he really focuses on retooling and trying again
  • Dennis first started using LinkedIn years ago, with no experience in social media at all
  • As he started gaining clients from LinkedIn, he put together a repeatable methodology for LinkedIn success
  • This led to over $20M in business in organic business (not paid ads) using LinkedIn
  • Three Primary ways to drive revenue on LinkedIn – Paid ads, leveraging content, or doing outreach
  • Outreach should be hyper-focused on target executives for a few key customers
  • Leveraging content marketing involves posting frequent content
  • Content should be educational, motivational, or entertaining
  • For outreach, LinkedIn is a tremendous repository for understanding who is who within a target organization
  • This is a slow process.  It takes time to build trust until your target customer is ready to engage with you
  • Dennis also hosts the Growth Experts podcast where he interviews successful CEOs
Daily Success Habits:
  • Lifelong learner – Continuous Growth through reading
  • At the end of the day, Dennis asks himself “What did I learn today?”
  • He also asks himself, “What would I do different?”  This helps prime his mind for success in the next day.
  • Has invested over $100K of his money on continuing his growth
Dennis’ Bio:

Imagine how you would feel if you knew you would NEVER have to make another cold call for the rest of your life?

Imagine how would you feel if you knew you could generate highly targeted leads on demand and become the hunted versus the hunter?

Dennis Brown helps entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants and sales leaders to generate more leads, customers and profits in 30 minutes a day through LinkedIn.

Since joining LinkedIn in 2007 as a total social media naysayer, he has generated thousands of leads, hundreds of clients and over $20 million in new business all by leveraging his LinkedIn marketing system.

Dennis developed a proven LinkedIn marketing and social selling system that virtually anyone can learn and use to achieve their business goals.

Dennis is also a speaker and host of the Growth Experts Podcast, available on your favorite podcast platform.

Connection Info:


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Mark Steel is an Inspiring Sales and Leadership Keynote Speaker and a Communications Skills coach.  With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Mark is dynamic, engaging, informative, and fun.  Sales, leadership, and team-building audiences rave about Mark’s ‘Invincible Success’ keynotes and workshops.  As a coach, Mark works with executives and professionals to ensure when they speak, their message is resonating.  Visit Mark’s Speaking Topics page to learn more about how you can “Sell with Confidence, Lead with Purpose, and Speak with Impact.”

Mark is also a married father of two living outside Chicago, Il and he is an avid rock climber.  #ClimbOn #InvincibleSuccess