Are you an avid podcast listener? Or perhaps you’re thinking of starting your own podcast? With over 750,000 podcasts available today and that number quickly increasing, podcasts are becoming more and more pervasive in our lives. In this episode, Jeremy Ryan Slate helps you discover the future of podcasting and how you can prepare for that future today.

(Full audio below)
The power of podcasting
Welcome to the Invincible Success podcast which helps you amplify your sales, leadership, and life!
As you’re listening to this episode, you’re one of the millions of monthly active listeners of podcasts. That number that has seen sharp increases in the past several years. Even more, trends show that the number of podcast downloads is expected to dramatically increase in the coming 2-3 years.
Jeremy Ryan Slate has hosted a leading podcast for over 4 years. On his podcast, he has interviewed amazing guests such as Seth Godin, Grant Cardone, Danica Patrick, Russell Brunson, Noah Cagan, and many more. Anyone thinking of starting their own podcast or want to discover the future of podcasting will get a great deal of value in today’s episode.
Key Insights:
- Jeremy graduated with a degree in Ancient History
- Not a lot of jobs available, so he ended up painting houses
- Got a job teaching in high school – Hated the job
- After his mom’s stroke, he quit his job to start his own business
- In 2015, Jeremy started the “Rock Your Life” podcast, only to discover someone else had that title
- Restarted a new podcast 2 years later – Create Your Own Life Podcast
- Once he stopped caring more about other people’s feelings than his own, he knew it was time to start his current podcast
- Today, putting out a podcast is so easy today
- If you’re going to start a podcast, get every friend you know to subscribe
- Subscribers are the #1 thing that ranks on Apple Podcasts
- “Go for it” when it comes to starting your own
- The biggest thing to know is the learn how to effectively use the platform
- LinkedIn is the #1 promotional platform today
- There can be many different ways to target your audience, find what works well for you
- Podcasting will continue to grow because more and more, people want content on demand
- Because of that, Jeremy feels we’re entering the Golden Age of Podcasting
- Soon will be over 1M podcasts available
- Yet, only 18% are active podcasts (posting at least once a month)
- Current trends show podcast breaking over $1B in advertising revenue
- Estimates that by 2022, there will be over $1.6B in advertising revenue in the podcast industry
- Tim Ferris was so successful at advertising after he stopped ads, his listeners asked for ads to come back
- Jeremy’s favorite shows – ESPN 30 for 30, Lore, The Bowery Boys
- Create better, more engaging stories content
- More than half of all the top podcasts on iTunes are story-driven content
Daily Success Habits:
- Fitness Matters
- Jeremy has tried different diets – including Tim Ferriss’ Slow-carb Breakfast
- Heads to the gym first thing (check out for free workout routine)
- Every morning, Jeremy take an 8-10-min cold shower
- This cold shower helps with inflammation and raises BMR – Base Metabolic Rate – How fast you burn fat
- Remember to do what you do while you’re doing it
Jeremy’s Bio:
Jeremy Slate is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world. He studied literature at Oxford University and is a former champion powerlifter turned new media entrepreneur. He specializes in using podcasting and new media to create trust and oping leader status. In iTunes, he was ranked #1 in the business category and ranked #78 in the Top 100.
Jeremy was named one of the top 26 podcasts for entrepreneurs to listen to in 2017 + 18 by CIO Magazine, a top podcast to listen to by INC Magazine in 2019 and Millennial Influencer to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed. The Create Your Own Life Podcast has been downloaded over 2.5 million times. He’s also a contributing editor of New Theory Magazine and Grit Daily.
After his success in podcasting, Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, founded Command Your Brand Media to help leaders use the power of podcasts to change the world.
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Mark Steel is an Inspiring Sales and Leadership Keynote Speaker and a Communications Skills coach. With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Mark is dynamic, engaging, informative, and fun. Sales, leadership, and team-building audiences rave about Mark’s ‘Invincible Success’ keynotes and workshops. As a coach, Mark works with executives and professionals to ensure when they speak, their message is resonating. Visit Mark’s Speaking Topics page to learn more about how you can “Sell with Confidence, Lead with Purpose, and Speak with Impact.”
Mark is also a married father of two living outside Chicago, Il and he is an avid rock climber. #ClimbOn #InvincibleSuccess